Workshops and expositions

Ever since we participated in our first Vermont History Exposition in 2004, we have been hooked on doing live demonstrations, talks and workshops. We have done hands on demonstrations at the Solar Fest in Tinmouth, the Garlic festival in Montpelier and the International Preservation Trades Workshop in Barre. The opportunity for us to participate in these events not only gives us a chance to share some of our skills and knowledge with others, but also meet and learn from other history buffs. We have made great connections with many older Vermonters who have shared their memories and anecdotes with us. Hopefully, our participation in these events has inspired some of the younger generation to take up an interest in local…
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Drafting and Design

Knobb Hill offers drafting services for purposes of historic documentation in addition to design services for new construction. Our scaled, three dimensional drawings are often used in conjunction with written documentation by those seeking grant assistance. These drawings also serve as blueprints for restoration projects. As with much of our joinery work, we have been accustomed to doing things the ‘old-fashioned’ way. It took a bit of convincing for us to shift our drafting work away from the drawing board and onto the computer. The advantages of the three-dimensional design are undeniable but we still have a soft spot for hand drawing and are glad to do so upon request.
We offer design services for the construction of new residential…
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Teaching the Craft

The challenges of timber framing have brought me great satisfaction over the years and a few frustrations too. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from working with old buildings and studying the craftsmanship of early builders. I’m thankful for all of the framers who have shared their knowledge with me and in turn, I feel a strong responsibility to share my knowledge and help to influence others to work with their hands. In addition to restoring and preserving old frames, teaching is a way that I can give back to the craft that means so much to me.
I have been teaching timber framing since early 2000. I have taught full semester courses in addition to three-week intensives at…
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Much like the first time I saw a barn raising, these carved boxes really called to me. I’m a very visual and hands-on type of person and both of these crafts are just that.
The more research I do into the history of early 18
th century furniture making the more fascinated I become, particularly with green wood working and solving the mysteries of early layout systems. A compass, square and gouges are the tools used to layout the geometry plus a good eye for aesthetics and spatial patterns.
Most of the original pieces I’ve seen usually have just the front panel carved but I like to carve the side panels as well. When viewing the boxes you can see…
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The analysis of timber frames often reveals a great deal about a building’s provenance. The evolution of building techniques, tools and layout methods can offer a great deal of insight about a structure’s origins. Some details, like the marriage marks pictured here, are more obvious than others. The wood itself often contains a more definitive record a building’s age. This can often be revealed through dendrochronology.
Dendrochronology is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as: “The science or technique of dating events, environmental change, and archaeological artifacts by using the characteristic patterns of annual growth rings in timber and tree trunks.” Using this technology, it is possible to determine the felling dates of timbers used in the construction of timber…
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